Shorewood Hills Homeowners Association
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First Quarter, 2011



     The SHHA Web Site is getting a whole new look. A confidential website for the use by all members.  Some of the features available are:

Password protected...

Access to SHHA directory

Access to Covenants and Restrictions

General neighborhood news

Connective links to City and State websites

Plus many more

In order to access this website, each resident must submit an E-Mail address which acts as an individual password.  If you have not already done so, send your address to Shirley Sidell,


Check out Shirley's beautiful Rhodedenron pics at


PARTY TIME Report and Pictures!!

The Pictures from the holiday party fund raiser are also available at:




     Shorewood Hills is a part of the Highland Terrace neighborhood.  Highland Terrace has a very active interaction with the city of Shoreline.  Residents of  Shorewood Hills are invited to participate in these city sponsored activities, some of which affect and concern our neighborhoods.  Contact Judy Griesel at 546-2660 for a schedule of evening meetings with Highland Terrace and the city.




     The following are some complaints, suggestions, etc. received from residents:

Barking Dogs.  Dogs (especially large dogs) barking throughout the day and evening hours are disturbing to residents.  Please control your animals.

Garbage cans.  Please remove your garbage cans as soon as possible after pickup and store them out of sight from the street.  We have a beautiful neighborhood that requires all of our attention.

Parked boats.  Boating season is about over.  In accordance to the CC&Rs rules, boats should be parked out of sight of the street.

School Parking.  College parking will begin soon.  Sometimes, illegal parking takes place.  Dont hesitate to call the police if you observe illegal parking.  The police will respond quickly.

Bush and tree pruning.  Check your plantings to be sure none of your bushes are impeding the sidewalks. 

Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended for association members only and should not be used for any reason outsideof the neighborhood commercial or otherwise.



Copyright 2012 Shorewood Hills Homeowners Association - All Rights Reserved.