Be observant.
If you see a suspicious person in the area, either challenge them as to their
reason to be there or call for help. Do not hesitate to call 911.
Police would rather respond to a false call than to not be called for an
emergency. Tradesmen, contractors and landscapers are usually easy to
The Directory
is for your use. Dont hesitate to call your neighbor and inquire if
anything is wrong if you see suspicious activity. If they are away or on
vacation call 911 to report problem activity.
your property for potential theft or
invasion weaknesses
garage doors locked as well as other external doors.
Car Safety.
If you park your car outside the garage unattended, keep it locked at all times.
Do not keep items in the seats which would tempt thieves. It only takes a
few seconds for thieves to break a window and rifle the car interior
emergency phone numbers prominently displayed in your house.
Shoreline Police: 911 or 206-546-6730
any Board member for assistance.